“To be nobody but myself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make me somebody else-means to fight the hardest battle any human can fight, and never stop fighting.”
~ E.E. Cummings
“What I admired about Rebecca most was the way she handled pressure and unexpected circumstances so calmly and with the utmost strength and grace. She taught me things I can use for a lifetime.”
“Through Rebecca’s guidance, I’ve arrived at a place in my life where I’m truly confident and in love with who I am. Her gentle but powerful way of helping me peel back my many layers allowed me to invite in the healing I needed in order to face and close old wounds. Rebecca truly has a gift and I am so very grateful for her wisdom. Because of her holistic approach to coaching, the impact of her guidance has not only elevated me personally but has touched all parts of my life – within my relationship, spiritually, and even professionally.”
“Rebecca has this incredible blend of qualities that make our time together so valuable: tons of experience and formal education paired with a natural intuition and empathetic nature, and an eagerness to share everything she’s learned. She makes it so easy to feel comfortable, especially in being your whole self - while we were connected in a professional mentorship, she’s had a phenomenal impact on my personal growth. She’s particularly good at untangling challenges that feel massive and encompassing, and breaking them down into a pragmatic approach you feel empowered to take on. Genuinely been a huge influence in my confidence and development!”
“Rebecca is a wonderful mentor. She provides tremendous insights and help in every interaction. I enjoy our conversations, her direction and support.”