“Ask for help not because you’re weak, but because you want to remain strong.”

~ Les Brown


Do you sometimes need help?

This is a ridiculous question in today’s world of high demands, competing priorities, and limitless distractions. Managing it all can be a challenge. Like the ocean, the tide of our responsibilities can pull us away from the things we want to accomplish, leaving us far away from where we started when we finally look up.

  • Can we meet our responsibilities and the day to day demands of life and still find a sense of happiness and fulfillment?

  • Can we live our lives as our most authentic and best versions of ourselves?

  • Can we form and achieve goals that bring us closer to where we want to be?

Becoming our best selves is the work of a lifetime, and sometimes we need someone outside of ourselves to help us along the journey.

"If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze."

- Saint Catherine of Siena

As your coach we will partner to refine and set your intention for our work together, and create a path toward fulfilling that intention. My goal is for us to work together as one team toward achieving your growth. I will be here to nurture, support, brainstorm, offer another perspective, take notes, provide accountability, share personal experiences, apply methodologies, teach best practices, and offer additional resources and recommendations, etc.

Our time together will be a safe place, and sometimes deeper emotions may come up. That’s expected and I can hold space for that. I have an almost infinite capacity to deal with other people’s emotions. That being said, it’s also important to understand life coaching is not therapy. It’s a good idea to come to a coaching partnership with some basic self care tools and an understanding of your boundaries around deepening into the work.

Let me know how we can work together on your goals.