Spending time thinking about what is holding us back is an important step of making forward progress.
The Wisdom in our Bones
How we measure a life may as well be in what we absolutely know to be true.
PTSD: Calling Myself Home
Sometimes we sacrifice pieces of ourselves in order to fit into other people’s vision of life. Living as our whole selves requires that we summon back these severed parts of ourselves and reintegrate them.
A River of Grief
Grieving during the holidays is difficult and a common shared experience. If you’re feeling alone you’re not. If you’re feeling alone, read this.
Three is a Magic Number
What if we could approach life as our whole selves, feeling engaged and fulfilled as a rule, rather than an exception?
Tl;dr: We can.
What’s your leadership learning curve?
Self-awareness is the most critical tool a leader can possess. The more clearly we can see ourselves , the better we can lead those we serve. Happing learning and leading!
Finding Your Focus: Organization and Discipline
Thoughts and advice on organizing your work and life, and having the discipline to follow through.
Body by Rebecca
Reflections on healing our relationship and falling back in love with our bodies.
Less Human…more Being?
Reflecting on what it means to be human, and how we embrace and grow into it, rather than try to deny it.
Coaching or criticism?
Addressing disruptive leadership behaviors with unconditional positive regard.
Coming Full Circle
A practice for moving through our emotions to the other side.
Daily Practice
Getting over the ‘daily practice’ guilt by examining how we’re checking in with ourselves, what we are saying ‘yes’ to, and reimagining our lives as sacred.
Box Breathing
A practice to sooth and shift anxiety.
Tree of Life
A grounding and centering practice for when you feel untethered.
Discomfort Becomes Her
“All art is autobiography; the pearl is the oyster’s autobiography.”
~ Federico Fellini
5 Things
A gratitude practice for moments of anger.
Energy Garden
A protection practice for when you’re feeling vulnerable.
Getting Elemental
“Air moves us, fire transforms us, water shapes us, earth heals us. And the balance of the wheel goes round and round. And the balance of the wheel goes round.”
~ Air Moves Us by Parnassus